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01 — Project details

The Indiana Motor Truck Association (IMTA) was facing a decline in new membership numbers and needed a way to communicate the value of joining their organization. Initially, the focus was expected to be on highlighting cost-saving discount programs. However, after meeting with the IMTA team and reviewing member feedback, it became clear that their greatest strength—and the key to member satisfaction—lay in their advocacy efforts and networking opportunities.

02 — Creative process

Shifting focus to advocacy, I conducted thorough research and maintained regular communication with the IMTA team and board members. This involved learning about the laws IMTA had helped pass and understanding their goals for the upcoming year. Using this information, I crafted a campaign that highlighted their legislative achievements and the real-world impact of their advocacy on trucking professionals. The campaign also underscored the value of their networking opportunities, creating a compelling case for membership.

03 — Results

While the campaign is still in progress, early feedback has been promising. The IMTA board has reported a noticeable increase in membership applications, demonstrating that the new approach resonates with their audience. By shifting the focus to advocacy and networking, the campaign successfully reconnected IMTA with its core value to members, setting the stage for continued growth.